মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তরের লিখিত (এম.সি.কিউ) পরীক্ষার সময়সূচী | Schedule of Written (MCQ) Examination of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education
Schedule of Written Manpower Recruitment (MCQ) Examination of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education.
Notice of examination of various posts of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education.
Exam schedule
Exam date: 26/07/2021
Time: 3.00 - 4.00 pm.
admit card Download Link:
The schedule of Recruitment (MCQ) examination in 10 categories mentioned in the Mausi Recruitment Circular has been published. August 21, 2021 On the date, the schedule of the recruitment examination for the post of exhibitor has been published on the website of the Department of Education.
Examination center and address can be known from the
admit card. admit card can be collected from the link below using User ID and Password.
admit card Download Link: dshe.teletalk.com.bd
If the user ID and password are lost, it can be recovered from the link below.
User ID Recovery Link: dshe.teletalk.com.bd
Password Recovery Link: dshe.teletalk.com.bd
#exmrutin #মাধ্যমিকওউচ্চশিক্ষাঅধিদপ্তরেরলিখিত(এম.সি.কিউ)পরীক্ষারসময়সূচী #governmentjob #newjob
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